Working to Earn — and Keep — Your Trust

When I was appointed director in 2007, I made a point of telling this community our agency would be more accessible, accountable and transparent. My goal was to gain your trust. I realized early on we alone could not solve this …

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How Do You Like Your JFS News?

Did you know we do weekly podcasts with news about what is going on at Hamilton County’s Job and Family Services Department? You can listen to them here: https://www.hcjfs.org/Video/podcastplayer.htm You can access them each week at the top right corner …

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Tips for Public Assistance Recipients

If you are a public assistance recipient, you have surely noticed our processing times increase. I want to stress again we are doing our best to help everyone as quickly as possible. To help the process go smoothly, here are …

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Public Assistance Demand Remains Strong

Our agency is doing its best to keep up with record demand in our public assistance programs. One in six in this county is now on food assistance or Medicaid and that means 60,000 people a month visit our lobby …

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Big Week for JFS Employees

I am very proud of the work our employees do on a daily basis. I know we have our challenges, but overall, the majority of the people who work here try very hard to do what is best for the …

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Help with the Heating Bills

As winter wraps up, we are finding that some of the people we serve are having trouble paying their heating bills. We don’t have a specific heating program, but we can refer to others who provide that assistance. Here is …

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Talking Social Services with Local Leaders

I spoke today with several members of the Cincinnati Urban League’s new Leadership Class. It is refreshing to talk to folks who care so much about what is going on in our community. I have said it many times before: …

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Attention Food Assistance Recipients: Fees Start March 1

We received word from the state this month that the vendor for our food assistance cards will soon charge fees to those customers who call the customer service line excessively. I want to make sure everyone knows this so the …

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Youtube Helps Agency Inform Customers

We recently posted a new video to Youtube that helps explain how to file online for public assistance help. This is another effort to improve customer service — we want to serve our customers where they are, instead of making …

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Webinar Followup

If you are interested in learning about the sanction process for public assistance recipients who do not meet work requirements or the topic of warning signs to look for when choosing a caretaker for your child, we have a deal …

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