This Week at JFS: One in Six Hamilton County Residents Receiving Public Assistance

Hamilton County JFS serves 150,000 residents with Medicaid assistance and 133,000 residents receive food assistance. Many of those are people who were employed but lost their jobs. Hamilton County JFS is the largest provider of food assistance in Southwest Ohio. …

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Children Do as You Do!

This video was brought to my attention this week. This is pretty powerful, and it really brings home a point we make to all of the parents involved with our agency. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7d4gmdl3zNQ

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Ten Years of Helping Children and Families

I am very proud of the work we do throughout our entire agency. We have many incredible, dedicated employees who go to great lengths to help the people we serve. We are not perfect and we make mistakes, but the …

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Free e-book with Tips on Child Safety

Ever wonder what you could do to help prevent child abuse and neglect? The Hamilton County Department of Job and Family Services gives you some answers in a free e-book called 10 Tips for Keeping Children Safe.

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Pinwheels for Prevention

Our annual Pinwheels for Prevention event is scheduled for 3 p.m. Monday. I encourage everyone to stop by if you are in the area. We moved it from downtown to Burnet Wood Park, across from the University of Cincinnati, because …

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Kathleen Sebelius Praises JFS Partnership

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Director Kathleen Sebelius visited Cincinnati this week and praised our work with Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Click on the link below for more information: https://www.hcjfs.org/UpdateNew2010/UpdateEXPRESS/HCJFS_UpdateExpress.htm

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Medicaid spend-down now easier to manage

Speaking of Medicaid (see below post), we are excited to offer a new opportunity to our Medicaid recipients. Some of our recipients must meet “spend down” requirements. To learn more about that, check out this fact sheet: https://www.hcjfs.org/Buttons/Clients_Customers/Health_Services/PDF/HCJFS7963UnderstandingSpenddown.pdf As of …

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Medicaid Outreach Program Underway

Yesterday, I attended a press conference announcing an effort to enroll eligible Hamilton County residents in Medicaid. The Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati is leading the effort and we are helping with enrollment efforts. The “Covering Kids and Families” …

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Discussions spur creativity, collaboration

Lately, I have been asked to talk to several groups about the work we do here at JFS. Today, I am speaking to a Leadership Cincinnati class. Tomorrow, a group of leaders at the Urban League. I always enjoy the …

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Economy Takes Toll on Child Support

We recently noticed some interesting statistics on child support collection. Collections are tracking at about four percent behind what they were two years ago. That could mean significantly less for Hamilton County children this year. In 2007 and 2008, we …

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