Innovative Effort Leads to Employment, Self Sufficiency

 Some long-time food assistance recipients are driving themselves right out of the program through a new partnership between Hamilton County Job and Family Services, the state of Ohio and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service. This partnership, …

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The bikes have arrived

More than 180 bikes, adorned with hand-made bright bows on the handlebars, with helmets and locks, arrived this morning on a Kroger truck from Pickaway Correctional Institution, where they were assembled by inmates. HCJFS volunteers unloaded the truck under the …

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Ending the year on a good note

I could never thank all of the people who help us during the holidays and throughout the rest of the year. Please know that what you do for our children always results in smiles and a little bit of normalcy and hope in what are often turbulent times in a child’s life.

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Commissioners proclaim November as Adoption Month

HCJFS Director Moira Weir attended the Hamilton County Commissioners meeting on Wednesday as the commissioners proclaimed November as National Adoption Month. Weir said many of the kids in foster care are older and looking for a home. “You never outgrow …

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Levy Money Funds Services to Abused and Neglected Children

 We are a week away from a county-wide vote on the Children’s Services Levy (Issue 53). I am asked nearly every day what the levy is and how the money is used. The levy raises funding for services to abused …

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Opiate crisis hurting our children the most

  We are asked a lot about the opiate crisis gripping our community. How does it play out in child welfare? Heroin has hit our “business” hard. Abuse of opiate-based painkillers such as Vicodin and OxyContin is also a problem. …

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Child Welfare Agencies Around the Nation Facing Same Issues

I had the pleasure of hosting a group of the nation’s top child welfare officials in Cincinnati this past week and it was interesting to see our stories are so similar. We all struggle with worker retention. We all are …

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Amnesty Opportunity Designed to Collect Support for Children

August is Child Support Month. We are doing several things to draw attention, including an Amnesty Week for warrants and Amnesty Month for driver’s and professional licenses. We also are helping delinquent parents find jobs. You can read about all …

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Delinquent Parents can Reinstate Driving Privileges, Cancel Warrants, Find Jobs With August Child Support Amnesty

Hamilton County Job and Family Services has many activities planned for Child Support Awareness month, including the opportunity for delinquent parents to get back on the right track with employment and reinstatement of driving and professional privileges.

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Good News Happening at JFS

We have received some good news at our agency the past month and I would like to share. I have great pride and joy in the work of my staff, so I always like to point out their success when …

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