Medicaid cases and information to be inaccessible at times in February

The Ohio Worker Benefits Portal will be down on Tuesday, Feb. 20, for maintenance. Consumers will be unable to access Medicaid information or cases on that day. As part of these maintenance efforts to prepare the system to integrate information …

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Children’s Services workers to participate in national workforce study

Hamilton County Job and Family Services is excited to be part of a four-year, national study designed to address challenges with child welfare worker recruitment, retention, satisfaction and intention to stay.

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Job and Family Services Planning Committee meeting Feb. 2

Hamilton County’s Job and Family Services Planning Committee will hold its next scheduled meeting at 10 a.m. on Feb. 2 at 222 E. Central Parkway, room 6SE701. The meeting of community stakeholders is open to the public.

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An overdue thank you

With November being National Adoption month and the time for our annual mass adoption ceremony, and December being the month where we collect gifts and host holiday parties for the children in our care, we have had a very busy two months. But before the year is over, I do not want to forget a “thank-you” owed to the voters of Hamilton County for approving the Senior Services levy in November.

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The season of thanks

  ‘Tis the season of giving, and our agency could not be more grateful. I could not list all of the people who help our children during the holidays or throughout the year. I write a lot of thank you …

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Planning Committee to Meet December 1

Hamilton County’s Job and Family Services Planning Committee will hold its next scheduled meeting at 10 a.m. on December 1 at 222 E. Central Parkway, Room 6SE701. The meeting of community stakeholders is open to the public.

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Give to the FAMILY Fund on #GivingTuesday

The Tuesday after Black Friday is traditionally known as “Giving Tuesday,” a chance to give to the charities you support. Please consider donating to our FAMILY Fund

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Job Center named top veterans service center

The American Legion has named our OMJ center the top center in Ohio for assisting veterans.

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Kinship families provide a lifeline

 One of the key components of our child welfare system are kinship providers who are willing to take in abused and neglected children so they can keep a bond with someone familiar with them. Just as I recently praised the …

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Director Weir a finalist for leadership award

Weir was named one of ten finalists for a 2017 Route Fifty Navigator Award in the category of Agency and Department Leadership. Weir was praised as someone who has built the foundation for success and created an environment for innovation.

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