Children Do as You Do!

This video was brought to my attention this week. This is pretty powerful, and it really brings home a point we make to all of the parents involved with our agency. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7d4gmdl3zNQ

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Ten Years of Helping Children and Families

I am very proud of the work we do throughout our entire agency. We have many incredible, dedicated employees who go to great lengths to help the people we serve. We are not perfect and we make mistakes, but the …

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Pinwheels for Prevention

Our annual Pinwheels for Prevention event is scheduled for 3 p.m. Monday. I encourage everyone to stop by if you are in the area. We moved it from downtown to Burnet Wood Park, across from the University of Cincinnati, because …

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Medicaid spend-down now easier to manage

Speaking of Medicaid (see below post), we are excited to offer a new opportunity to our Medicaid recipients. Some of our recipients must meet “spend down” requirements. To learn more about that, check out this fact sheet: https://www.hcjfs.org/Buttons/Clients_Customers/Health_Services/PDF/HCJFS7963UnderstandingSpenddown.pdf As of …

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Medicaid Outreach Program Underway

Yesterday, I attended a press conference announcing an effort to enroll eligible Hamilton County residents in Medicaid. The Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati is leading the effort and we are helping with enrollment efforts. The “Covering Kids and Families” …

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Economy Takes Toll on Child Support

We recently noticed some interesting statistics on child support collection. Collections are tracking at about four percent behind what they were two years ago. That could mean significantly less for Hamilton County children this year. In 2007 and 2008, we …

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Child Care Forum Well Attended

Last night, we held a forum with our child care providers to help them receive information about upcoming state changes. It was incredibly well attended, with more than 500 people in the crowd. I am extremely grateful we have such …

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Troubled Times Make Agency More Relevant than Ever

I recently received a newsletter from the Ohio Job and Family Services Directors Association that really drove home the point of how important this agency is to this community right now. The newsletter was full of depressing statistics: Ohio has …

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Choose Your Partner Carefully

I have been busy this week with the launch of our Choose Your Partner Carefully campaign. Hopefully, most of you have heard about it by now. The goal of the campaign is to educate the community — especially single mothers …

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Foster Care Changes

Our agency recently made a decision to transition most of our foster homes to network agencies. We think this is a good decision for all involved and I would like to explain a little of the reasoning that went into …

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