Donate athletic wear for foster kids

The Sweet Sweats for Love collection of sweatpants and hoodies for our kids in foster care continues through Valentine’s Day. You can drop your new items at any Sibcy Cline real estate office in the area.

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Need to report a change?

Have you moved, or changed your phone number? Have you gotten a raise, or lost your job? Has someone moved in our out of your household?

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Offices closed Monday

Our offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 15, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

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“Sweet Sweats for Love” drive collects clothing for foster kids

Since 2015, Phillippi-Whitney Communications and Sibcy Cline Realtors have teamed up to provide suitcases, gloves and shoes for area foster children.

“This year promises to be even bigger and better as we collect new hoodies and sweatpants for area foster children from ages 5 to 18 with our ‘Sweet Sweats For Love’ campaign,” organizer Julie Whitney said.

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The season of thanks

  ‘Tis the season of giving, and our agency could not be more grateful. I could not list all of the people who help our children during the holidays or throughout the year. I write a lot of thank you …

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Planning Committee to Meet December 1

Hamilton County’s Job and Family Services Planning Committee will hold its next scheduled meeting at 10 a.m. on December 1 at 222 E. Central Parkway, Room 6SE701. The meeting of community stakeholders is open to the public.

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HCJFS communications team wins PR award

Hamilton County Job & Family Services’ communication team picked up an award last week during the Public Relations Society of America Cincinnati Chapter’s Blacksmith Awards.

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Job Center named top veterans service center

The American Legion has named our OMJ center the top center in Ohio for assisting veterans.

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If you receive food assistance you could get free job training

An innovative, award-winning partnership from HCJFS is continuing to help people who are “getting by” with food assistance get ahead in a new career.

HCJFS has partnered with the state and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service in this first-of-its-kind partnership meant to elevate food assistance recipients. The partnership has received national recognition for its innovative approach.

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Parenting classes offered at HCJFS

Beech Acres Parenting Center is proud to partner with Hamilton County Job & Family Services to provide informational workshops for expecting moms, new moms and their partners. These free, 3-hour workshops are held every Tuesday at 222 E Central Parkway in Room 6 SE 401 from 9 a.m. to noon.

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