
I came across this video and thought I would share. It shows, in a powerful way, the danger of leaving your children alone in a hot car, even for a few minutes.

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Thanksgiving Hours

Please remember our office is not only closed on Thanksgiving Day, but also the day after. If you have business to conduct, we are open during normal business hours today and tomorrow. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving …

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A Thank You to This Agency’s Important Partners

For my most recent column in Update, our community e-newsletter, I expanded on my last blog post. My goal was to thank all of those who partner with us and ask nothing in return. I could not mention everyone, but …

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Hamilton County Child Welfare Partnerships to be Highlighted

I am very honored to be asked to speak at The Georgetown Public Policy Institute’s Leadership, Evidence, Analysis, Debate (LEAD) Conference on Jan. 25. The subject is policy and collaboration in child welfare. My presentation will focus on several partnerships we …

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Closed for MLK Day

Our offices will be closed Monday for Martin Luther King Day. We will open again on Tuesday. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend.

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Special Edition of Update Tells You How to do Business with Us

We produced a special edition of our Update community newsletter that details the best and fastest ways to do business with us. You can also read my column on our renewed commitment to customer service. Here’s the link. While you …

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Retiring Employees will be Missed

Changes in the Ohio Public Employee Retirement System will result in the retirement of more employees than usual this year. Come Dec. 31, we will have lost more than a dozen employees with a combined total of about 400 years …

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Toys for Tots Delivers

We took delivery of more than 3,500 toys from the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves’ Toys for Tots program this week. It was an incredibly generous donation from a group that has served children in this capacity for 65 years. We …

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2012: Year of Transition

Below is my latest column in Update, our community newsletter. You can check out the column and much more news about our agency at the link below. I encourage you to become a regular subscriber.    Our recent mass adoption ceremony …

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Adoption Day News Coverage

We received great coverage of our mass adoption ceremony! I am excited because getting the word out helps generate interest in the children we still have waiting for loving families. Take a look at some of these news clips: …

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