Children’s Services Levy: Process Starts Soon for November Ballot

 2016 is a big year for our agency. I am already receiving requests for information about the Children’s Services Levy that must be renewed by voters in November. The levy supports the system of care established to protect our county’s …

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Mass Adoption Ceremony to Unite Eight Families

Cincinnati (Nov. 17, 2014) Hamilton County Job and Family Services will host its largest ever mass adoption ceremony Friday, with 17 children joining eight permanent, loving families. While adoption finalizations are normally confidential, the families have agreed to publicize the …

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Two years and six kids later…

In the summer of 2012, Ben and Jessica Schumacher decided to become foster parents. Childless and facing fertility issues, they decided it made more sense to open their home to children who needed one than to pursue more medical options. Less than two years later, they had a family with six children.

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Mass Ceremony Showcases Power of Adoption

November is national Adoption Month. As we do every year, we have a lot planned. Nov. 20 is our mass adoption ceremony, which always draws a lot of attention. But even before that, you will see our presence in the …

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Recruitment Campaign Aims to Increase Number of Local Foster and Adoptive Families

The two work hand in hand. About 70 percent of our adoptions are by foster families. These are people who have come to know and love the children in their care, and they want to make it a permanent arrangement once the court decides the child cannot be safely returned home. The best way to keep our adoption pipeline full is to have plenty of foster parents.

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Annual Report Released

HCJFS serves more than a third of Hamilton County Residents.

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Support the FAMILY Fund, help foster kids

HCJFS now has a way to help foster children make college visits, provide toiletries or toys to abused children and aid low-income families with needs beyond job assistance, food and medical care

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Could you be #theone ?

One. It just takes one person to adopt a child and change that child’s life forever. One. During our summer #theone campaign. We’re emphasizing that it just takes you, one you, to make this incredible difference. Could you be #theone to teach a …

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Hamilton County Department of Job and Family Services Wins Three 2015 National Achievement Awards for Innovation from National Association of Counties

Hamilton County Job and Family Services won 11 National Association of Counties achievement awards for innovation — more than any other government entity in Ohio – between 2009 and 2015, including three awarded last week for programs that contribute to and enhance county government.

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Education & Career Pathways Summit is June 19

The 2015 Education & Career Pathways Summit will be held on the campus of Cincinnati State on Friday, June 19th from 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

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