Child Support amnesty offer returns

It’s almost time for our annual amnesty campaign focused on parents who’ve lost driver’s licenses because they’ve fallen behind on child support payments. Every August, as part of Child Support Awareness Month, we extend an offer of amnesty to help these parents get back behind the wheel and back on track with their payments.

Many people don’t realize parents can have their driver’s licenses suspended for failing to pay child support. Other professional licenses can be suspended as well, including licenses for accountants, attorneys, real estate agents, dentists and doctors.

We hope this amnesty offer encourages people to pay and commit to continuing to do so. Our goal isn’t to punish anyone. We really just want to help obligors get back on track so they can help meet their children’s needs.

Last year during amnesty month, we collected more than $26,000 in child support on cases where licenses had been suspended. That was up from just over $1,200 on those same cases the previous month. So amnesty works!

If anyone you know is struggling to pay child support, please tell them to contact us

by Jane Prendergast

Filed Under: From the Director, News