HCJFS employees donate school supplies

HCJFS employees have donated a van full of school supplies to Rothenberg Preparatory Academy in Over-the-Rhine. Through our Community Outreach Volunteer effort, school supplies were collected throughout September. COVE leader Keisha Wizzart estimates that about $5,000 in supplies were collected. Thanks to everyone, …

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Looking for a Job? Free Help as You Prepare

Local residents seeking employment can receive free help creating a resume, preparing for an interview, learning business etiquette and more by attending free workshops at the Public Library of Hamilton County over the next few weeks. The library has partnered …

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Child Support Amnesty Extended for Driving Privileges

One facet of the August Child Support Amnesty Program has been extended through September. You can still have driving privileges restored if you make a payment towards delinquent child support. To determine if you qualify for either license reinstatement or …

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Offices Closed Monday

HCJFS offices will be closed Monday, Sept. 5, for Labor Day.

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Streetcar Opens to Public in September, Be Safe

The Cincinnati Streetcar opens to the public in September.  Tracks run right outside our building at Main Street and Central Parkway, making it a convenient option to reach us from downtown. This new form of transportation may take a little …

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Spend-Down Medicaid Program Ending

Due to a State change in Medicaid program eligibility, effective August 1, 2016, the ‘Spend-Down Medicaid’ program has been discontinued. To ensure the continuation of coverage for individuals during this transition, Ohio is granting additional months of Medicaid coverage to …

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Blue Ribbon Bash Supports Child Abuse Prevention Efforts

The Blue Ribbon Bash will begin at 7 p.m., Friday, Aug. 12 at the Hyatt Regency downtown. All proceeds from the Blue Ribbon Bash support the child abuse treatment, prevention and education services that Family Nurturing Center provides to thousands …

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Delinquent Parents can Reinstate Driving Privileges, Cancel Warrants, Find Jobs With August Child Support Amnesty

Hamilton County Job and Family Services has many activities planned for Child Support Awareness month, including the opportunity for delinquent parents to get back on the right track with employment and reinstatement of driving and professional privileges.

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HCJFS tops State in Food Stamp Timeliness Improvement

Hamilton County received the Midwest Regional  award from FNS (Food & Nutrition Service) for the most improved Food Stamp Application Timeliness in the Ohio. Laura Embry received the award on our behalf at the Midwest Partners in Program Improvement Conference …

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Access to Public Assistance Cases Limited on July 29

On July 29, Hamilton County JFS staff will be unable to access many of the computer systems utilized for public assistance cases (Ohio Works First, food assistance, and Medicaid).  This is the result of a planned statewide upgrade and means …

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