New program aims to improve child care quality

As mandated by the State of Ohio, Family Child Care Providers must be Step Up to Quality rated by 2020 to continue serving children who receive publicly funded child care benefits. Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) is a five-star quality rating and …

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Children’s Services staff recognized

Director Moira Weir was honored this past weekend to pick up an award for our Children’s Services section. The Ohio Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers selected HCJFS as the best of all public and private agencies in …

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Adoption Day was a great day for families

We had a great day Friday in Judge Ted Winkler’s courtroom – 13 children in foster care officially joined their adoptive families. The courtroom was full of reporters and photographers, documenting each of the nine separate ceremonies. Parents cried. The …

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Today’s the day. Thirteen children will join nine families. Watch live.

Thirteen children will be adopted into nine families Friday, Nov. 2, as part of Hamilton County Job and Family Services’ 12th annual mass adoption ceremony to celebrate National Adoption Month. The ceremony will be held at 9 a.m. in Judge Ralph …

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Information about the Children’s Services Levy (Issue #9)

I have been asked a lot about the Children’s Services levy that is on the ballot Tuesday. While I do my best to answer them in person, I thought it might be more helpful to have a Question and Answer …

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Hamilton County JFS part of employment grant for heroin recovery.

Ohio’s workforce is expected to get an $8 million infusion to combat chronic absenteeism, drug-positive tests, productivity issues and a general lack of employees that have followed the opioid epidemic into the workplace. The money will go to an array …

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OMJ-CinHam exceeds expectations in annual review

A recent one-year survey of Ohio Means Jobs-Hamilton County performance shows that Hamilton County outperformed similar metropolitan counties and showed substantial improvement over the previous 12 months in providing Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) services. OMJ-CinHam, operated by Hamilton …

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Dakari brings joy to his new family

On Friday, we will celebrate National Adoption Month with adoption ceremonies for 13 children being welcomed into nine families. It’s one of our most special days.  We’ll be introducing you to some of the families that will be adopting that …

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“I wasn’t finished with my family,” mother adopts siblings

On Friday, we will celebrate National Adoption Month with adoption ceremonies for 13 children being welcomed into nine families. It’s one of our most special days. We’ll be introducing you to some of the families that will be adopting that …

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Adoption Day is November 2

Our big special day to highlight adoption is a little earlier this year – Nov. 2. Probate Judge Ralph Winkler has set the date and will preside over our adoptions that day. We are still finalizing the list of families …

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