Adoption Day to Provide a Fairy-Tale Ending for 10 Children

November 21 is the big day this year. For 10 local children, Christmas will come a month early. This is the day of our mass adoption ceremony in Hamilton County’s Probate Court. Judge James Cissell will preside and six families …

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Resilient Children Inspire and Validate

I would like to talk about the resiliency of children. I am continually inspired at their ability to overcome so many obstacles. I recently had the pleasure of attending the Public Children Services Association of Ohio’s annual conference in my …

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Working Today for Better Tomorrows

At a time of year when we set aside a specific day — Labor Day — to celebrate the American worker, I would like to recognize the team of 800 people we have at JFS who work diligently on behalf …

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Direct Plea Generates Interest for Jason

Sometimes a heartfelt plea really does work. We were at our wit’s end about Jason. This tremendous young man was not drawing any interest when it came to adoption. Despite his great desire for a family, we couldn’t get traction …

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Child Support Month: Amnesty For Some Who Owe

Child support touches every demographic group of Hamilton County. We collect from parents who make $20,000 a year and parents who make $200,000 a year. We help children who live in the suburbs and children who live in the city’s …

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Help Available for Parents at End of Rope

I was glad to help on this story by The Cincinnati Enquirer‘s Krista Ramsey, but I realize it is a tough thing for most to swallow. What parent would give up on raising their own child? Sometimes the motives are …

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Aging Out of Foster Care Much Easier With Someone’s Help

Friends, There are a couple of stories in this issue of Update relating to a subject that always burns brighter in my mind this time of year: Our young people aging out of the foster system and facing life on …

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Catchy Video Deals with Food Assistance Fraud

Our agency put together a creative little video to demonstrate several incidents that constitute fraud in the food assistance program.The 3-minute video will be used on social media and on the video monitors in our lobby to educate consumers about …

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Exciting Time for Foster Youth Who are Graduating

Tomorrow night is our annual Celebration of Dreams event, where we honor all of the foster youth in our care who graduated this year. It is always a wonderful event and often the only graduation party many of them will …

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Help Us Make 421-LIFE As Well Known as Our 241-KIDS Hotline

If you live in Hamilton County, there is a good chance you know the number to our child abuse reporting hotline, 241-KIDS, by heart. But how many are as well acquainted with 421-LIFE? If you know of an older adult …

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