The Facts Behind 2010

Our 2010 Annual Report was released this week. It is amazing to see how many people we touch in this community and to read the nice stories about the work we do on their behalf. Did you know that we …

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Foster Care and Adoption

Just a reminder: we are having a live chat Wednesday at 10 a.m. to discuss foster care and adoption. This is your chance to ask questions if you have any desire to be a foster or adoptive parent. We have …

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A Remarkable Foster Parent

Like all parents, the things foster parents do to care for their children is truly astounding. Most foster parents really are unsung heroes and their accomplishments are too numerous to count. But as foster care month continues, I thought I …

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Big Week for JFS Employees

I am very proud of the work our employees do on a daily basis. I know we have our challenges, but overall, the majority of the people who work here try very hard to do what is best for the …

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Shining a Light on Foster Care

Foster care will appear in the news several times in the coming weeks and I could not be happier. This is a subject we constantly draw attention to because the need for foster parents never subsides. With 850 foster children …

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Pinwheels for Prevention

If you are anywhere near Burnet Woods Park in Clifton next week, please stop to contemplate the message behind the beautiful pinwheels you see planted in the field facing Martin Luther King Drive. More than 5,000 colorful pinwheels should be …

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Successful Fraud Chat

Tuesday’s chat with the public about public assistance fraud went well. We received many tips to follow up on. I appreciate the public’s support in this effort. You can report fraud at any time to our 24-hour hotline. We recently …

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Work Participation Improvements

Through increased efforts, Hamilton County has brought its work-participation rate for Ohio Works First recipients up to 50 percent. This is the federal benchmark and makes Hamilton the top performing Metro county in the state of Ohio. This means half …

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Help with the Heating Bills

As winter wraps up, we are finding that some of the people we serve are having trouble paying their heating bills. We don’t have a specific heating program, but we can refer to others who provide that assistance. Here is …

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Talking Social Services with Local Leaders

I spoke today with several members of the Cincinnati Urban League’s new Leadership Class. It is refreshing to talk to folks who care so much about what is going on in our community. I have said it many times before: …

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