National Adoption Month: Good Things for Children in Our Care

Later this month, we will celebrate National Adoption Month with a mass adoption ceremony at Hamilton County’s Probate Court. Several children will join new families on Nov. 20. This is one of the most exciting times of the year for …

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Prescription Drug Discount Card Helping County Residents

Our new prescription drug discount drug card program is rolling along. A record number of users purchased prescriptions with the card in September, saving more than $16,000. Last month, 764 users purchased 996 prescriptions with the card, saving an average …

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A Plug for Super Jobs

A lot of people are out of work right now. This community is hurting. I am surprised by how many people do not know about our one-stop employment center, the Super Jobs Center. We are very proud of the work …

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Consolidating Into Our Downtown Office

We are slowly consolidating our two main offices, moving our operations from 237 William Howard Taft Road to our downtown office at 222 E. Central Parkway. We expect the consolidation to be complete by the end of the year. Traffic …

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Former Foster Child to Discuss Positive Role Foster Parents Play

We have an exciting event coming up that will be a “must see” for foster parents and potential foster parents. But it is open to everyone, so I want all of you to be aware and mark your calendars. Selena …

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Busy Times Lead to Request for Lobby Relief

We have never been busier in our public assistance programs. Even when I talk to some of those who have been here much longer than my 17 years, they do not remember being this busy. We do not have records …

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Help Available for Uninsured

I was alarmed to see this story about nearly 235,000 local residents without health insurance: http://news.cincinnati.com/article/20090921/NEWS01/909220350/1168/NEWS0101/234+000+lack+health+insurance It is sad to see so many people in need. Do you realize that 140,00 people in this county receive Medicaid? That is one …

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Agency employee wins PCSAO award

I am proud to announce that Gail Merkle, a Hamilton County Children’s Services caseworker, received the Public Children’s Services Association of Ohio’s (PCSAO) Child Protection Worker of the Year Award last week during the association’s conference. The award is given …

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Cost savings through efficiency

It is always important for government to be efficient. But it is even more important in an economy such as this. At a time when our budget is tightening, we look even more for innovative and creative ideas that can …

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Best month for discount card

More than 1,600 prescriptions were filled through the county’s Prescription Drug Discount Card Program in July. This is our best month yet. Users averaged $9.41 in savings per prescription for a total of more than $15,000 in savings. At a …

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