Employers Needed for Upcoming Youth Hiring Event

Hamilton County Job and Family Services, OhioMeansJobs and ResCare Workforce Services are currently seeking employers and businesses who would like to participate in the Youth Hiring and Professional Dress Expo later this month. Businesses looking to fill permanent, part-time and …

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Working Today for Better Tomorrows

At a time of year when we set aside a specific day — Labor Day — to celebrate the American worker, I would like to recognize the team of 800 people we have at JFS who work diligently on behalf …

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JFS Helping Young People and Local Businesses Find Each Other

I ran some numbers for a project I am working on with County Commissioner Hartmann and was pleased to discover the payoff of our focus on helping young people prepare for jobs and become employed. This is one of the …

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SuperJobs Center Humming Along

  After a short break, the SuperJobs Center has reopened and is back to helping match local employers with skilled workers who want employment. On July 1, JFS staff officially took over operation of the SuperJobs one-stop employment center from a private …

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Employment Services Chat Tomorrow

I just wanted to make sure you all knew about our employment services chat tomorrow. I know the economy is still taking its toll on this community. The chat is an opportunity for job seekers to ask questions about local …

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Live chats with program experts

Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog. The first post drew more than a thousand views and some comments offering support for this method of communication. As I mentioned in the …

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