Partnership Promises to Bring Attention to Waiting Children

2014 was a good year for JFS, filled with highlights around Medicaid expansion and our OhioMeansJobs center’s outstanding work. But something that happened late in the year has me really excited about 2015. We have a new partnership with Radio …

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Join Us for Our Mass Adoption Ceremony!

Ten local children will join six permanent, loving families Friday in a mass adoption ceremony scheduled to celebrate National Adoption Month. Visit to see the happy event. It starts at 9 a.m.!   While adoption finalizations are normally confidential, …

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Adoption Day to Provide a Fairy-Tale Ending for 10 Children

November 21 is the big day this year. For 10 local children, Christmas will come a month early. This is the day of our mass adoption ceremony in Hamilton County’s Probate Court. Judge James Cissell will preside and six families …

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Jobs Available for Youth Ages 17 to 24

Cincinnati (Oct. 23, 2014) Hamilton County’s OhioMeansJobs Center is hosting a hiring event Saturday for young people to connect with local employers. The Hamilton County Summer Youth Employment Program has extended into the fall and will host a hiring event …

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Resilient Children Inspire and Validate

I would like to talk about the resiliency of children. I am continually inspired at their ability to overcome so many obstacles. I recently had the pleasure of attending the Public Children Services Association of Ohio’s annual conference in my …

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Working Today for Better Tomorrows

At a time of year when we set aside a specific day — Labor Day — to celebrate the American worker, I would like to recognize the team of 800 people we have at JFS who work diligently on behalf …

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Hamilton County Extends License Amnesty for Parents Who Owe Child Support

Hamilton County Job and Family Services will extend amnesty through the month of September to parents whose driver’s or professional licenses have been suspended for not paying child support. The agency had offered amnesty in August to bring attention to …

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Direct Plea Generates Interest for Jason

Sometimes a heartfelt plea really does work. We were at our wit’s end about Jason. This tremendous young man was not drawing any interest when it came to adoption. Despite his great desire for a family, we couldn’t get traction …

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Child Support Month: Amnesty For Some Who Owe

Child support touches every demographic group of Hamilton County. We collect from parents who make $20,000 a year and parents who make $200,000 a year. We help children who live in the suburbs and children who live in the city’s …

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Discussion to Extend Foster Care Support to Age 21 Includes Legislators, Public & Private Supporters, Youth

MORE THAN 120 SCHEDULED TO ATTEND SOUTHWEST “OHIO FOSTERING CONNECTIONS” FORUM TOMORROW Public Policy Discussion to Extend Foster Care Support to Age 21 Includes Legislators, Public & Private Supporters, Youth When:                        Wednesday, July 30, 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon Issue …

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