Attention Food Assistance Recipients: Fees Start March 1

We received word from the state this month that the vendor for our food assistance cards will soon charge fees to those customers who call the customer service line excessively. I want to make sure everyone knows this so the …

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Youtube Helps Agency Inform Customers

We recently posted a new video to Youtube that helps explain how to file online for public assistance help. This is another effort to improve customer service — we want to serve our customers where they are, instead of making …

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Phone interviews save time and money

We have done a lot the past year or so to reduce lobby traffic. At one point, we were experiencing about 60,000 people a month coming into our lobby. The economy has taken a large toll on our community and …

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Free Tax Preparation

W-2s came out this week and I just want to remind everyone that low-income Hamilton County residents may qualify for free tax preparation and the Earned Income Tax Credit. Greater Cincinnati’s United Way is helping families file for free online …

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Discount Prescription Drug Program Flourishes

In two years, Hamilton County’s discount card for presciption drugs has been used by more than 17,000 people to buy 40,000 prescriptions. Those people have saved an average of $9.85 per purchase — a grand total of more than $394,000 …

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Elder Abuse is Unacceptable

Everyone knows our agency for its child welfare work and our 241-KIDS hotline for reporting child abuse. Not as many know we also help protect the elderly. Elder abuse is unacceptable. It takes many forms: Neglect/Self-neglect In this case, caregivers, …

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Adoptive families needed

Our adoption manager appeared on WCPO Sunday to talk about the need for adoptive parents. We have more than 200 children awaiting loving families and half are teenagers. Older children need and want a family just as much as younger …

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Looking for Everyday Heroes (Foster Parents)

Here’s the latest commercial from the Everyday Heroes collaborative. We started this collaborative a couple of years ago with the goal of increasing the number of foster families in the Greater Cincinnati area. On any given day, we have 850 …

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Holiday Hours

Our agency will close at noon on Thursday, Dec. 23, and remain closed until Monday, Dec. 27. We will close again for New Year’s Eve. Our child abuse and elder abuse hotlines will remain active at all times, and the …

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Webinar Followup

If you are interested in learning about the sanction process for public assistance recipients who do not meet work requirements or the topic of warning signs to look for when choosing a caretaker for your child, we have a deal …

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