Direct Plea Generates Interest for Jason

Sometimes a heartfelt plea really does work. We were at our wit’s end about Jason. This tremendous young man was not drawing any interest when it came to adoption. Despite his great desire for a family, we couldn’t get traction …

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Help Available for Parents at End of Rope

I was glad to help on this story by The Cincinnati Enquirer‘s Krista Ramsey, but I realize it is a tough thing for most to swallow. What parent would give up on raising their own child? Sometimes the motives are …

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Exciting Time for Foster Youth Who are Graduating

Tomorrow night is our annual Celebration of Dreams event, where we honor all of the foster youth in our care who graduated this year. It is always a wonderful event and often the only graduation party many of them will …

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JFS has a Widespread Impact on the Local Economy

Below is my column from our recent Update newsletter. If you are not receiving our newsletter, please visit our website,, and find the sign up form under the Public header. It is a good way to keep up on …

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A Thank You to This Agency’s Important Partners

For my most recent column in Update, our community e-newsletter, I expanded on my last blog post. My goal was to thank all of those who partner with us and ask nothing in return. I could not mention everyone, but …

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Hamilton County Child Welfare Partnerships to be Highlighted

I am very honored to be asked to speak at The Georgetown Public Policy Institute’s Leadership, Evidence, Analysis, Debate (LEAD) Conference on Jan. 25. The subject is policy and collaboration in child welfare. My presentation will focus on several partnerships we …

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Closed for MLK Day

Our offices will be closed Monday for Martin Luther King Day. We will open again on Tuesday. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend.

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Operational Changes

Just a reminder on a couple of changes hitting our agency this week: Effective today, the Child Support cashier’s window has moved from 800 Broadway to the third floor of our main building, 222 E. Central Parkway. With the number …

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Change a Child’s Life; Change Your Own Life

This article in our Update newsletter has been getting a lot of attention from the public. I am thrilled that a positive story like this has captured so much attention. We have almost 200 children available for adoption on any …

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Quite a Transformation in Five Years

Five years ago this month, I became the director at Hamilton County Job and Family Services. It has been a very challenging five years. Budget cuts reduced our operating budget in half, forcing us to reduce, cut or transition positions, contracts …

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