We’re Having a Party! Foster Youth Persevere to Achieve High School Diplomas

Nearly 40 foster youth will assume starring roles in this year’s Celebration of Dreams event that is designed to recognize their hard work and perseverance in graduating high school despite very challenging situations. The 17th annual event will feature a …

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A phone number that never changes

People often turn to the services that Hamilton County Job & Family Services provides when they are facing change and turmoil in their lives.  Sometimes when we try to reach out to them, we find that the phone number they …

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Two years and six kids later…

In the summer of 2012, Ben and Jessica Schumacher decided to become foster parents. Childless and facing fertility issues, they decided it made more sense to open their home to children who needed one than to pursue more medical options. Less than two years later, they had a family with six children.

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Annual Report Released

HCJFS serves more than a third of Hamilton County Residents.

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Could you be #theone ?

One. It just takes one person to adopt a child and change that child’s life forever. One. During our summer #theone campaign. We’re emphasizing that it just takes you, one you, to make this incredible difference. Could you be #theone to teach a …

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A Special Kind of Party: Foster Youth Overcome Great Obstacles to Graduate

The theme for this year’s Celebration of Dreams event – movie stars — is fitting for 43 Hamilton County foster teens who have had to overcome challenging situations to graduate high school. They’ve just completed a starring role in one movie and they’re moving on to another.

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Untreated Mental Illness One of Our Big Three

This column recently appeared in The Cincinnati Enquirer.   The heartbreaking death of Jayniah Watkins should spur more open community discussion on the connection between untreated mental illness and child abuse. Untreated mental illness is one of the “big three” …

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Street Work to Hinder Access to JFS Building

Streetcar work will begin around the JFS building next week and could be disruptive to those trying to access the building. Please contact the agency if you need assistance in accessing the building. You can send a request to greggb@jfs.hamilton-co.org. …

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Resilient Children Inspire and Validate

I would like to talk about the resiliency of children. I am continually inspired at their ability to overcome so many obstacles. I recently had the pleasure of attending the Public Children Services Association of Ohio’s annual conference in my …

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Working Today for Better Tomorrows

At a time of year when we set aside a specific day — Labor Day — to celebrate the American worker, I would like to recognize the team of 800 people we have at JFS who work diligently on behalf …

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