Most Wanted Turns Himself In

Our Most Wanted Child Support poster had only been out in the community for a few days when one of the parents depicted on it turned himself in! Now that is success! You can read more about the poster here. …

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The Facts Behind 2010

Our 2010 Annual Report was released this week. It is amazing to see how many people we touch in this community and to read the nice stories about the work we do on their behalf. Did you know that we …

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Big Week for JFS Employees

I am very proud of the work our employees do on a daily basis. I know we have our challenges, but overall, the majority of the people who work here try very hard to do what is best for the …

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Talking Social Services with Local Leaders

I spoke today with several members of the Cincinnati Urban League’s new Leadership Class. It is refreshing to talk to folks who care so much about what is going on in our community. I have said it many times before: …

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New Program Helps Parents Support Their Children

We are making a push to get the word out on our new program that helps parents in our Child Support program achieve financial stability so they can better support their children. This is a pilot program we were chosen …

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Youtube Helps Agency Inform Customers

We recently posted a new video to Youtube that helps explain how to file online for public assistance help. This is another effort to improve customer service — we want to serve our customers where they are, instead of making …

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June’s Story: Compassionate Customer Service

We have been stressing providing better customer service at our agency for much of the past year. All employees have gone through a customer service class, and it has been the focus of much communication from management. Providing good customer …

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Economy Takes Toll on Child Support

We recently noticed some interesting statistics on child support collection. Collections are tracking at about four percent behind what they were two years ago. That could mean significantly less for Hamilton County children this year. In 2007 and 2008, we …

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Troubled Times Make Agency More Relevant than Ever

I recently received a newsletter from the Ohio Job and Family Services Directors Association that really drove home the point of how important this agency is to this community right now. The newsletter was full of depressing statistics: Ohio has …

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Nearly 15 Years Later: Another Consolidation

Fifteen years ago this month, we were laying the groundwork for a major move from 628 Sycamore St. and other scattered locations to 222 E. Central Parkway. It was, by far, the largest move in the history of the Hamilton …

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