37 Graduates Celebrate Overcoming Tough Obstacles on the way to Success

Tomorrow’s a big day as we will celebrate 37 foster teens graduating high school. This is always one of my favorite events because it gives us a chance to reward teens who have overcome tremendous obstacles and say thanks to …

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Reaccreditation: Hamilton County gets Seal of Approval

I am proud to say Hamilton County JFS has been re-accredited by a national organization that reviews and bechmarks programs based on best practices! The Council on Accrediation’s exhaustive review found the agency in compliance in ALL practice areas. The …

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MayDay for Foster Children

Our rescheduled MayDay for Foster Children event on Fountain Square is scheduled for Monday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Several people will speak at noon. Please join us. If you have any interest in being a foster parent, mentoring …

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The Facts Behind 2010

Our 2010 Annual Report was released this week. It is amazing to see how many people we touch in this community and to read the nice stories about the work we do on their behalf. Did you know that we …

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Pinwheels for Prevention

If you are anywhere near Burnet Woods Park in Clifton next week, please stop to contemplate the message behind the beautiful pinwheels you see planted in the field facing Martin Luther King Drive. More than 5,000 colorful pinwheels should be …

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Talking Social Services with Local Leaders

I spoke today with several members of the Cincinnati Urban League’s new Leadership Class. It is refreshing to talk to folks who care so much about what is going on in our community. I have said it many times before: …

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Webinar Followup

If you are interested in learning about the sanction process for public assistance recipients who do not meet work requirements or the topic of warning signs to look for when choosing a caretaker for your child, we have a deal …

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Webinar Tomorrow: Choose Your Partner Carefully

Our agency is hosting a webinar tomorrow for Hamilton County’s single parents and those who support them. The webinar will discuss the warning signs of an abusive partner who could hurt your child. This is a continuation of an effort …

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Children Do as You Do!

This video was brought to my attention this week. This is pretty powerful, and it really brings home a point we make to all of the parents involved with our agency. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7d4gmdl3zNQ

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Ten Years of Helping Children and Families

I am very proud of the work we do throughout our entire agency. We have many incredible, dedicated employees who go to great lengths to help the people we serve. We are not perfect and we make mistakes, but the …

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