Great Discussion on Child Welfare

I want to thank Attorney General Dewine for inviting me today and for offering to host an important discussion on Ohio’s child welfare system. It is always great to get together with those who work in this field and discuss …

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Heartbreaking Tragedy Affects Us All

Damarcus Jackson’s heartbreaking death has this community – and JFS – asking serious questions. This tragedy has reverberated through our building. When a child in our care dies, we take it very personally. Even more than that, several here had …

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JFS Asks for System-wide Investigation

Losing a child we’ve been involved with is always heartbreaking. We grow close to these children and take these tragedies personally. Our condolences go out to all who were close to DeMarcus Jackson. We have asked for an independent system-wide investigation into the …

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Working to Earn — and Keep — Your Trust

When I was appointed director in 2007, I made a point of telling this community our agency would be more accessible, accountable and transparent. My goal was to gain your trust. I realized early on we alone could not solve this …

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Bringing Permanency to Children Who Need It

Permanency is crucial for the success of children. Children grow best in nurturing, stable environments. They want a sense of permanent “family.” For this reason, we are instituting Permanency Roundtables into our child welfare practice next month. Permanent situations offer: …

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Do Ask, Do Tell Us About Child Abuse

We are launching a new awareness campaign today about reporting child abuse. The campaigned is aimed at mandated reporters — police officers, teachers, child care workers, etc. — and encourages them to look for the more subtle signs of child …

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Videos of Foster Children Give Extra Insight

We have many videos of our foster children who are available for adoption on both and on our agency’s YouTube page, These videos really give you a picture into the soul of these children. If you are interested …

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National Magazine Covers 2011 Celebration of Dreams

Tha National Association of Counties Magazine carried a wonderful story on our Celebration of Dreams event. I am so proud of our foster youth and so glad they are receiving not only local, but national, recognition for their achievements. Here …

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Foster Children Need Help Even After They Become Adults

Forgive me for the length, but this is a topic near and dear to my heart. I wrote this for our community newsletter (, but I thought I might share it with you, too….. It has been a couple of …

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Former Foster Child Steps Up for Kin

Nice and inspiring Father’s Day story about an Ohio man who is doing what he can to help his family.    

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