Adoption Day News Coverage

We received great coverage of our mass adoption ceremony! I am excited because getting the word out helps generate interest in the children we still have waiting for loving families. Take a look at some of these news clips: …

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Adoption Day: Emotional and Fulfilling

      What an incredible day! I was fortunate enough to participate in an event where 13 children joined seven families, forming bonds that will last for the rest of their lives. Our Mass Adoption Ceremony was an emotional …

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Making the Holidays a Littler Brighter

The holiday season can be a lonely time for those without family, including foster children. Thanksgiving dinners and holiday parties can be reminders of better times or simply family that is now missing.  We try to do our best to help …

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Miracles will Happen on Nov. 16

Below is the column I wrote for this month’s issue of Update, our community newsletter. It discusses our upcoming mass adoption ceremony, which is one of the most powerful and emotional days of the year here at JFS. (You can …

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Change a Child’s Life; Change Your Own Life

This article in our Update newsletter has been getting a lot of attention from the public. I am thrilled that a positive story like this has captured so much attention. We have almost 200 children available for adoption on any …

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A Discussion with the Community

I had the pleasure of joining host Vick Prichard on ICRC’s Community Report this month. It is always nice talking to Vicki and I am especially grateful she allowed us to talk about the work we do. We discussed difficult …

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Children Shine in Recruitment Videos

Here’s a link to a nice television news story about our adoption recruitment efforts. We have stepped up the use of video over the past year. It really allows the children to shine and gives potential parents a glimpse of …

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Great Discussion on Child Welfare

I want to thank Attorney General Dewine for inviting me today and for offering to host an important discussion on Ohio’s child welfare system. It is always great to get together with those who work in this field and discuss …

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National Magazine Covers 2011 Celebration of Dreams

Tha National Association of Counties Magazine carried a wonderful story on our Celebration of Dreams event. I am so proud of our foster youth and so glad they are receiving not only local, but national, recognition for their achievements. Here …

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Foster Care and Adoption

Just a reminder: we are having a live chat Wednesday at 10 a.m. to discuss foster care and adoption. This is your chance to ask questions if you have any desire to be a foster or adoptive parent. We have …

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