Thank a social worker

Ever since I joined the Big Brothers/Big Sisters organization nearly 20 years ago, I have always wanted to work in a field that helped people. I wanted to do something that made a difference in the lives of families and …

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Everyday Heroes

I attended the State of the County speech yesterday by Commissioner David Pepper. What a nice event! While the financial state of the county is tenuous right now, it was nice to hear of all the great things that are …

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Recommendations sent to anti-poverty task force

For me, one of the best parts about working in the social services field is that when times are tough, area community providers rally together to help Hamilton County citizens. Last week, I joined individuals from 60 area social service …

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Live chats with program experts

Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog. The first post drew more than a thousand views and some comments offering support for this method of communication. As I mentioned in the …

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I’m now a blogger!

I am not normally a talkative person, nor do I necessarily believe people care to know what I think. But this is a critical time at Job and Family Services and I feel very strongly that we should be as …

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