Two Employees Win Awards!

JFS employees won two of seven Hamilton County Employee of the Year awards handed out this year. They were both honored at today’s Board of County Commissioners meeting. Jim Ashmore, our Performance Improvement section chief, won the county’s Leadership Award. …

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Moms Who Don’t Mess Up

I read the “Moms who don’t Mess Up” article in the Cincinnati Enquirer and I must say that I think the writer, Krista Ramsey, did a fantastic job. She says the things I try to say about some of the …

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Job Seekers Seem to Have Attitude Change

We held another live chat today about services for job-seekers and employers. Interesting to see a change in the way people are dealing with the unfortunate economy. We detected an attitude of determination — versus the desperation of a few …

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Child Abuse Prevention Month and Pinwheels for Prevention

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and I always like to use it as a time to remember why I became a social worker. As my duties have expanded and I have taken on responsibilities that stretch across the whole …

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County’s accuracy rate increases

I am thrilled that once again I get to share some good news about the great work our staff is doing here at Job and Family Services. I learned this week that the agency’s food stamp accuracy rate for Federal …

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Recognizing employees for outstanding work

We received the following e-mail today from someone who works closely with victims in our county court system. I have edited it to keep some information confidential, but the gist of it is that one of our workers, Jermil Tarver, …

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Agency receives honor as Hunger Champion

Lately, it seems that all we hear is bad news concerning the economy, unemployment, the increase in need for assistance, etc. But I do not want the positive news about our agency to get lost in the shuffle. That is …

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Thank a social worker

Ever since I joined the Big Brothers/Big Sisters organization nearly 20 years ago, I have always wanted to work in a field that helped people. I wanted to do something that made a difference in the lives of families and …

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Everyday Heroes

I attended the State of the County speech yesterday by Commissioner David Pepper. What a nice event! While the financial state of the county is tenuous right now, it was nice to hear of all the great things that are …

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Recommendations sent to anti-poverty task force

For me, one of the best parts about working in the social services field is that when times are tough, area community providers rally together to help Hamilton County citizens. Last week, I joined individuals from 60 area social service …

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