A Father of Many Faces – Happy Father’s Day!

Fatherhood can be scary and a challenge. Curtis Compton, however, appears to have it all under control. For more than 20 years, Compton has been a foster parent, an adoptive parent, a biological parent, a mentor and a coach. He …

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Success Story: Sasha’s Officially Their ‘Baby Girl!’

All week, Maleek, 5, has been asking, “When are we adopting my sister Sasha?” Tuesday, he got a happy answer. Dianna and Shakawan Mohammad finalized the adoption of 3-year old Sasha, celebrating the wonderful day with the whole family present. Dianna and …

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HCJFS Processing Medicaid Applications More Quickly

So how did Hamilton County Job and Family Services plan for Medicaid Expansion so well that we ended up processing applications more quickly than other metro counties in Ohio? Says Chief Operating Officer Tim McCartney: “We skated to where we …

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Good Kid, Good Mom Now A High School Graduate

Thia Watkins doesn’t see what she did as that big of a deal. She had a baby at 15 and went into foster care 1 1/2 hours away from Cincinnati with her newborn daughter, Leiyah. She stayed in school, raised …

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Help Us Make 421-LIFE As Well Known as Our 241-KIDS Hotline

If you live in Hamilton County, there is a good chance you know the number to our child abuse reporting hotline, 241-KIDS, by heart. But how many are as well acquainted with 421-LIFE? If you know of an older adult …

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Farmers’ Markets Offer Incentives for Those Using Food Assistance Card

Six local farmers’ markets are now participating in a new program that will provide incentives to our consumers who use their food assistance card to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables. Healthy eating is important. Too often, people living on a …

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And Brayden Makes Seven…

When Leah and Michael Sharpshair got married, she thought maybe they’d have three or four children. They had five. Now, plus two. The Liberty Township family finalized their adoption of Brayden, 11 months, today. He follows his brother Colton, who …

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HCJFS Addressing Domestic Violence In New Way

When we encounter abused and neglected children, we can usually trace the root cause to one of three family problems: substance abuse, mental illness or domestic violence. By its very definition, child abuse is domestic violence. But I am referring …

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OhioMeansJobs Helps Woman Find Zoo Work

Mollie Ehinger had a great job as a general manager at a restaurant where she had been for 14 years. She never thought, if the time came, that finding a new job would be difficult. “Boy, was I wrong,” she …

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Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day

We received “National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day” information this week from our colleagues at the Hamilton County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board. This is a very important topic for us, too. I often say that mental health, substance …

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