Employers Needed for Upcoming Youth Hiring Event

Hamilton County Job and Family Services, OhioMeansJobs and ResCare Workforce Services are currently seeking employers and businesses who would like to participate in the Youth Hiring and Professional Dress Expo later this month. Businesses looking to fill permanent, part-time and …

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Street Work to Hinder Access to JFS Building

Streetcar work will begin around the JFS building next week and could be disruptive to those trying to access the building. Please contact the agency if you need assistance in accessing the building. You can send a request to greggb@jfs.hamilton-co.org. …

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Resilient Children Inspire and Validate

I would like to talk about the resiliency of children. I am continually inspired at their ability to overcome so many obstacles. I recently had the pleasure of attending the Public Children Services Association of Ohio’s annual conference in my …

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Second Kiosk Installed in the Lobby

You may have noticed some recent changes in our lobby. Following the success of the first, a second kiosk has been installed in HCJFS’s lobby to allow consumers to scan documents directly into their case. Prior to the first kiosk, …

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New Hiring Event for IT Apprenticeships!

There’s a new IT recruitment event on the OhioMeansJobs site we thought needed some attention! Max Technical Training in Mason, Ohio is looking for 16 new applicants to start .NET Developer Apprenticeships. They offer a variety of classes and training …

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Hamilton County Foster Youth and Foster Family Receive Statewide Recognition

A Hamilton County Job and Family Services foster teen has received a state award for his ability to overcome great life obstacles, while a county foster family has been recognized for its outstanding service to the child welfare system and …

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Mom + Dad + Five = The Goede Forever Family

Carmen and Michael Goede talked about how many kids they might like. Two, they thought, maybe three. They got five. And officially adopted them all on Tuesday. “They’re already our kids,” Mr. Geode said before the adoption hearing. “So this …

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OhioMeansJobs Cincinnati – Hamilton County continues to outperform peers

We recently released the 2014 annual report for OhioMeansJobs Cincinnati-Hamilton County. This has been a banner year for the agency as we continue to connect Hamilton County residents and employers. A few points to brag about: Second only to Cuyahoga …

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Working Today for Better Tomorrows

At a time of year when we set aside a specific day — Labor Day — to celebrate the American worker, I would like to recognize the team of 800 people we have at JFS who work diligently on behalf …

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Hamilton County Extends License Amnesty for Parents Who Owe Child Support

Hamilton County Job and Family Services will extend amnesty through the month of September to parents whose driver’s or professional licenses have been suspended for not paying child support. The agency had offered amnesty in August to bring attention to …

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